

Installing Django on Mac

Install the Django on Python

First, follow the steps to install the Django inside of python. It requires to use the terminal:

Source :

Pydev on Eclipse

Explanation why is the mac does’t run in the Pydev 3.0 or later. So, the solution is to install the 2.8.


The Pydev version 2.8 runs normally on MAC. To install the PyDev, you just need to access the Help -> Install new software. On the search text, paste the website ““, uncheck the option “show only the latest version … ,” click on the arrow of “PyDev” and install the version 2.8.

Once it finished to install the software, it requires to set up the compiler, in this case, the python. Select Eclipse -> Preferences -> PyDev -> Interpreter – Python. Then, select the “Auto config” and will automatically find the version of python on the pc.
obs: If it can find the python version on pc, close the Eclipse, and reboot the pc. It will recognize after make this step.

Now, it has the python compiler, but if we try to create an project Django, it will show an error message saying to set up the Django. I tried to add a new folder on PYTHONPATH with the path “ /Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/django” , but it doesn’t work. So, I found the post below that says the path is actually the “ /Library/Python/2.7/site-packages”. It worked, then you will be able to create a Django project in Eclipse.
